John Parsley, PsyD
Clinical Psychologist
My Favorite Psychology Books
If You Meet The Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients
by Sheldon Kopp
The Transparent Self
by Sidney Jourard
The Doctor and the Soul: From Psychotherapy to Logotherapy
by Viktor Frankl
The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management Approach to Helping
by Gerard Egan
I Never Knew I had a Choice
by Gerald Corey and Marianne Corey
Meaningful Living: A Logotherapy Guide to Health
by Elisabeth Lukas
Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond
by Judith Beck
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy
by David Burns
Focal Group Psychotherapy
by Matthew McKay and Kim Paleg
The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses Including Health, Career, and Faith
by John James and Russell Friedman